
Fender Les Paul Model Revealed

Fender Les Paul

Not to be outdone by Gibson’s recent announcment and revealing of the Jimi Hendrix inspired guitar, Fender today announced they have just finished production of their new Fender Les Paul Model*. The model will soon be available at all Wal*Marts for a retail price of $199.99US and will include three picks, four guitar cables, a guitar strap, a “Les Is More Amplifier”, and a LP-500 Multi-Track Recorder.

The Les Paul estate is thrilled to be working with Fender on this project as there has been a well know, long time partnership and collaboration between Les Paul and Fender.

*Absolutely none of this is true.

This post was inspired by Guitar Noize’s Stevie Ray Vaughan Gibson Signature Model.

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20 Responses to “Fender Les Paul Model Revealed”


  1. […] UPDATE: Check out Fender’s response to the Gibson Jimi Hendrix debacle here. […]

  2. […] and pulled the plug on the guitar that seemed to be wildly hated across the internet? Could my fake Fender Les Paul post have been what made them see how utterly ridiculous it was for them to be making the Jimi […]

  3. […] ??? ???Fender?????????…?? […]


  1. Jon says:


    “Les is more Amplifier” genius.
    .-= Jon´s last blog ..TabToolkit iPhone app for guitarists =-.

  2. beautiful.

    but, man, you had me going there for a minute.

    between the jimi hendrix model and the srv model, you have to wonder what’s going on over at gibson.
    .-= alittleguitar´s last blog ..Size Doesn’t Matter =-.

  3. Nice twist!!! Laughed my a$$ off!

    .-= Stratoblogster´s last blog ..Gibson Hendrix S-Type? =-.

  4. Haha, good one bro. I just did a follow up with the latest news:

    Gibson removes Hendrix Strat from website
    .-= Chaz @ Gear-Vault´s last blog ..Gibson removes Hendrix Strat content from official website =-.

  5. hahaha, Gibsons taking a lot of heat for this
    .-= black acoustic guitars´s last blog ..Ibanez AEB5E Black Acoustic Electric Bass Guitar =-.

  6. Kyle says:

    The first thing I thought was “impossible”.

    Guess I was right

  7. Les Paul says:

    ROFL. This made me crack up. The Gibson “Stratocaster” was such a dumb move by Gibson, it’d be hilarious if Fender really did announce a Fender Les Paul. Too bad unlike Gibson, Fender isnt run by idiots.
    Les Paul´s last blog post ..Gibson Jimmy Page “Number 2″ Guitar

  8. Eddie Pereira says:

    Want to know about Les Paul 1995 (Serial No.91313658)value and picture.
    Thanks Eddie

  9. Laura Parker says:

    This is a nice guitar. The features of this guitar is fantastic. For sure a lot of guitarist want to have this sort of guitar.
    Laura Parker´s last blog post ..Lose Weight with Colon Cleansers

  10. Charlie says:

    Haha, I wrote about this before it even happened. I knew Gibson would do something crazy.
    Charlie´s last blog post ..Hallelujah Chords w/ Tab and Lyrics – Jeff Buckley Version

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