
Rittenhouse Guitars

Rittenhouse Guitars

I found out about the Rittenhouse Guitar contest a little too late. I actually found out about the contest the day after it ended. Oh well, I still wanted to post about Rittenhouse Guitars because I really like their looks.

I guess the big thing now days is relic guitars. I thought they looked pretty cool for the most part but figured I’d never actually buy one.

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Gibson Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster

Gibson Les Paul & Fender Telecaster

I dropped by Rocker’s Guitars here in San Francisco today. I’ve been wanting a solid body guitar since my guitars are hollow or semi-hollow. The two I’m thinking about are a Gibson Les Paul and Fender Telecaster. Very different guitars to say the least. I liked them both for different reasons.

The two specific models I was looking at were the Fender Custom Shop Custom Classic Telecaster and the Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s Neck.

The Les Paul was obviously louder and had a thicker sound and was able to push the amp to the point of distortion.The Telecaster was brighter and had a cleaner less muddy sound but couldn’t get any distortion out of the amp. For the overall feel, I preferred the Fender Telecaster. The neck felt better to me, but that could be because the Les Paul has the thicker 50’s neck. As for the looks, I’ve always loved the sunburst Les Paul.

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4 Amigos Guitar Show

4 Amigos Guitar Show

This weekend I’ll be checking out the 4 Amigos Guitar Show in San Rafael California. Hopefully I won’t buy another guitar (I think three for a beginner is more than enough). However, I don’t have a solid body guitar and would love to have one. I know my two weak points will be a nice Gibson Les Paul or Fender Telecaster.

For those in Santa Monica/Los Angeles, the show will be arriving near you the following weekend.
