Rickenbacker 330 Fireglow - Pics
And finally, here are some more guitar pictures. This time it’s a 2009 Rickenbacker 330 Fireglow.
And finally, here are some more guitar pictures. This time it’s a 2009 Rickenbacker 330 Fireglow.
Since I seem to be posting so often about the Jimi Hendrix Gibson guitar debacle, I thought I’d post another quick update. It appears that even Experience Hendrix have removed all mention of the guitar from their website. Initially it had only been Gibson who seemed to be abandoning anything Jimi Hendrix related on their website. Although, I couldn’t imagine why they would want to get rid of the Jimi Hendrix Piano, that was totally legit.
Ok, this is strange, but all of the links to the Gibson Jimi Hendrix guitar have been removed from Gibson’s website. Has Gibson come to their senses and pulled the plug on the guitar that seemed to be wildly hated across the internet? Could my fake Fender Les Paul post have been what made them see how utterly ridiculous it was for them to be making the Jimi Hendrix strat? (don’t worry, I’m not that delusional)
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Not to be outdone by Gibson’s recent announcment and revealing of the Jimi Hendrix inspired guitar, Fender today announced they have just finished production of their new Fender Les Paul Model*. The model will soon be available at all Wal*Marts for a retail price of $199.99US and will include three picks, four guitar cables, a guitar strap, a “Les Is More Amplifier”, and a LP-500 Multi-Track Recorder.
Well, it looks like we might have some answers to the questions I was asking on my post the other day about the Gibson Jimi Hendrix Model guitar.