Guitar Print Giveaway - The Winners
Thanks for to everyone who entered and left nice comments about the photography. The time has finally come to announce the winners of the Guitar Print Giveaway.
The winners are:
11×14 Custom Print: @diawan
8×10 Custom Print: @bubbafat
8×10 Custom Print: @js091402
For anyone who entered the contest and didn’t win but would still like a print, I’m offering a 30% discount on any print orders. And for everyone else, between now and the new years, all of the prints will be 15% off. Just head over to the Guitar Print page for more information on placing an order.
Thanks again!
17 Responses to “Guitar Print Giveaway - The Winners”
NeverTooLateGuitar: Guitar Print Giveaway – The Winners Full
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@diawan Congratulations, you won a guitar print:
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@bubbafat Congratulations, you won a guitar print:
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@js091402 Congratulations, you won a guitar print:
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Guitar Print Giveaway – The Winners | Never Too Late To Learn Guitar: Thanks for to everyone who entered and le..
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Thanks !!!
How can I give you my adress ?
That’s a great gift, I adore !!!-
Congratulations to you man,you won the print guitar. I must say that it looks extremely amazing.
Jonathan Gilbert´s last blog post
Same question as Diawan - how do I get in touch with you (or you can with me - you have my email address now).
(@js091402) Wondering the same thing as the others.
Guitar Print Giveaway – The Winners
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Congratulation to all the winners. All of the winners really posted a nice photography and comments.
Michelle Snike´s last blog post ..Maxirex -
Congratulations to all the winners. You really deserve the giveaways. I’m happy for you guys!
Mickey Lark´s last blog post ..Buy HerSolution -
To all who won the Guitar Print Giveaway. Congrats. You are deserving!
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for the person hosting the contest. You truly choose the deserving people.
Trishia Hanley´s last blog post ..7 Benefits of Automated Forex Trading Systems -
Congratulations to all the winners. Is that your guitar? It bears advanced feature.
Lindi Cates´s last blog post ..Looking for a Smile that will Entice a Partner -
Would have been great if he would have actually followed through with mailing them out to the winners!
New Post: Guitar Print Giveaway - The Winners
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