
Experience Hendrix Abandons Jimi Hendrix Gibson Guitar?

Jimi Hendrix What

Since I seem to be posting so often about the Jimi Hendrix Gibson guitar debacle, I thought I’d post another quick update. It appears that even Experience Hendrix have removed all mention of the guitar from their website. Initially it had only been Gibson who seemed to be abandoning anything Jimi Hendrix related on their website. Although, I couldn’t imagine why they would want to get rid of the Jimi Hendrix Piano, that was totally legit.

So, does this mean both parties have decided to hang their respective heads in shame and walk away from the deal? I guess only time will tell, but as of now neither Gibson or Experience Hendrix have any mention of their collaboration on their websites, when just a few short weeks ago they were making grand statements about the magnitude of the greatness of this collaboration.

The Experience Hendrix press release was here. Now, it’s gone.

Hmm, if only there were a mechanism for the people to see all that information that these two companies want to pretend never existed. Someday.

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9 Responses to “Experience Hendrix Abandons Jimi Hendrix Gibson Guitar?”


  1. […] UPDATE UPDATE: It looks like Experience Hendrix has now taken down all the information about the Gibson Jimi Hendrix Guitar. Quick Plug: Head over to the Guitar Print Giveaway page for a […]

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Never TooLateGuitar. Never TooLateGuitar said: The Final Nail? Now Experience Hendrix removes all mention of the Gibson Jimi Hendrix guitar: […]


  1. johnny beane says:

    That whole thing was weak!!!!
    .-= johnny beane´s last blog ..johnnybeane: @CounterBurger The Counter in Walnut Creek is MY burger place! =-.

  2. Robert Watson says:

    I’m glad they took it down, too. All parties were to blame.

  3. shav says:

    you mean i didnt dream this??

  4. Larry says:

    I think the Jimi Hendrix guitars from Gibson were marketing genius and if they come out will sell tons!

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