
Gibson Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster

Gibson Les Paul & Fender Telecaster

I dropped by Rocker’s Guitars here in San Francisco today. I’ve been wanting a solid body guitar since my guitars are hollow or semi-hollow. The two I’m thinking about are a Gibson Les Paul and Fender Telecaster. Very different guitars to say the least. I liked them both for different reasons.

The two specific models I was looking at were the Fender Custom Shop Custom Classic Telecaster and the Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s Neck.

The Les Paul was obviously louder and had a thicker sound and was able to push the amp to the point of distortion.The Telecaster was brighter and had a cleaner less muddy sound but couldn’t get any distortion out of the amp. For the overall feel, I preferred the Fender Telecaster. The neck felt better to me, but that could be because the Les Paul has the thicker 50’s neck. As for the looks, I’ve always loved the sunburst Les Paul.

The big problem is there are so many different models in each line. Even in the same price range you can find multiple models with different features. With my other guitars the buying decision was pretty easy… I wanted a Rickenbacker 330 and that’s what I got since there is only one Rickenbacker 330. Here, the options are nearly endless. It looks like I’ll have to do some more research before making any buying decisions.

Any suggestions?


Well, I went ahead and bought a 2009 Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Korina Goldtop 1957 Reissue and I couldn’t be happier. It’s absolutely gorgeous. A nice Fender Telecaster is likely my next guitar though.

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15 Responses to “Gibson Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster”


  1. […] Read more from the original source: Gibson Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster | Never Too Late To Learn Guitar […]

  2. […] the rest here: Gibson Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster | Never Too Late To Learn Guitar Social Bookmarking Tags: been-wanting, francisco, hallow-or-semi, rocker, […]

  3. […] other day I posted about looking at Fender Telecasters. Well, a Rittenhouse Telecaster would be a welcome addition to my collection, that is for […]

  4. […] really expecting to add a new guitar to my collection today. I posted the other day I was looking at Les Pauls and Telecasters but I didn’t really plan on getting a new guitar any time soon. But, today was the Four […]

  5. […] I was a kid, I thought the Pignose 7-100 amplifier was pretty cool and wanted one (along with a Fender Telecaster). I’m not sure why I never bought one since they aren’t exactly cost prohibitive. […]


  1. fede says:

    always buy a gibson les paul…………any les paul is a great versatil guitar……….
    I have a fender strat and a les paul and there you have two diferent sound is like othe instrument…………but the les paul is more confortable even more if you can get a classic model the neck is like goin on a speedway…………..

  2. steve says:

    i also really like the telecaster necks. I’ve got a squier custom 2 telecaster with p90 pickups and I’ve found this the most comfortable to play out of all the guitars I tried plus it has 2 tone and 2 volume dials to mix a variety of sounds. Hope this helps. Nice site by the way.

  3. Art says:

    I have one Les Paul, one ES 339, and four Teles. I like all of them. If I could have only one guitar it would be a Tele but I am a Fender vintage amp guy so that is probably understandable. And I play country music as well as rock. So the Tele is a bit more versatile IMO.

  4. Both are two of my favorite guitars ever, but I guess it comes down to personal taste. Telecasters have a really warm sweet tone, and Les Pauls are much more aggressive. Both are amazing though!
    Gibson Les Paul´s last blog post ..2006 Gibson Les Paul 1959 Reissue Part3

  5. I have a fender strat which had a severly warped neck, and I have a gibson i picked up from a buy sell and trade store. any how I had taken the neck off the gibson cleaned it all up and I took the neck off the strat which was as straight as a arrow so I cleaned up the strat body and the gibson neck. I took my time to get every thing tickety boo and mounted the gibson neck. Needless to say it worked like a charm the action is excellent, the sound is also excellent, it’s amazing what you can do with some old part’s and a little bit of patience, now I don’t know what to call it a fengib or a gibfen, any how it taught me to hold on to those part,s that you think are garbage what I got out of the deal is an excellent guitar play’s great good action good sound for just spending some time and a little bit of patience I’m happy. so hold on to those parts you just might find a use for them after all


  6. Delainya Bell says:

    Those guitars look my my late husbands guitars that I want to buy back. I have a lot of great memories with those beautiful instruments…were did you get the picture of Fender and Gibson Special series???


  7. Delainya says:

    I have a lot of great memories with those beautiful instruments…were did you get the picture of Fender and Gibson Special series???


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